About Chet
Boone County Commissioner
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My Story
I grew up traveling the United States and other countries as the son of an Air Force Colonel. This exposed me to many different perspectives on Liberty and the role of Government in Citizen’s lives. I settled down in Fairbanks Alaska, one of the freest states in the country, where I served over 10 years as a career Fire Captain and Medic. In this public service role, I supervised three fire stations, a 16 personnel shift, and led the special rescue operations team covering over a 3500 square mile response district in some of the most hostile climate and wildfire terrain in the country.
I earned two college degrees, taught at the local community and technical college, and traveled the state, even to the Arctic Circle, supporting the native villages in rural firefighting tactics and strategy.
In 2016 my wife and kids and I moved to Boone County, seeking a more stable lifestyle in a solidly conservative Republican area of the country. My first job in Kentucky was in Corporate Risk Management at Toyota Boshoku, where I honed natural skills in process and organizational management, and learned the rigid Japanese methods of identifying root problems and the development of effective solutions. While working, I earned a Masters’s Degree in Business Administration through Thomas More University. I currently work as the Corporate Director of Business Resiliency for a Global retailer, where I lead a team specializing in Crisis Management, Enterprise Risk, Cyber Breach Management, and Continuity of Operations Planning for over 800 physical locations, and 120,000 employees. My competency in making critical decisions under stress, in high-risk environments requiring rapid and sound judgment, is demonstrated on almost a daily basis.
My wife and I have been married for 11 years. We have 6 children, and hopefully many more in the future. We’ve come to love this county and this community, and enjoy running our small farm off of Chambers Road in Walton, where we raise cattle, sheep, chickens, and ducks. Four Generations of my extended family live in Boone County as well, and we envision a future of many more generations calling Boone County home. I am heavily involved in our local church community and recognize the strength Boone County has because of its strong Christian population and the character of so many growing families. We are invested in this community, not for the short term, not till retirement, but forever, for our future generations of children and grandchildren.
Why I Got Involved
Two years ago, I realized that we were losing our Country at a rapid pace. This was in part because as conservatives, we haven’t been as involved in our State and our County politics as we should be. We are losing our way of life to elitist politicians that are focused on big corporate donors and investors, and have forgotten the average citizen. If we want to take back our country, we have to focus on our local political environment. In an effort to do my part, I led an organized effort to reclaim the Boone County Republican Party and was elected Chairman during the June 2021 reorganization. During that time, I have reformed the party from a small “good ol’ boys” executive committee into a fully functioning County Party, with 189 active Precinct Officers, giving control of the Party back to the Republican voters of Boone County. As the most active party in the state, this historic effort is now being mimicked in many other counties in Kentucky.
Why was this even necessary? Our Fiscal Court controls more elements of government that impact the daily lives of the Citizens of Boone County, than most State and Federal policies combined. If the fiscal court was doing the right thing by the people, we wouldn’t be dealing with the massive over-development causing traffic and safety nightmares for our neighborhoods, We wouldn’t be sacrificing farm and estate land for special interest, out of state developers through broken zoning and long term planning process that ignores the early investors in our County, We the People. If the current Fiscal Court could be trusted, I would not be having to sacrifice my time from my family, to try and get our County back on track.
Why People Voted for Me
I was not a career politician. I hadn’t spent 20 years in an elected role, just seeking a retirement check. I believe in the founding father’s ideas of Statesmen, people who would leave their jobs and families to sacrifice for the greater good of the community for a period of time, and then leave public office to go back to their families. I have youth and energy. I have intelligence and a strategic mindset. And I have a lifetime of experience in critical decision making, difficult problem solving, and process management, which made me a uniquely qualified candidate for this role on the Fiscal Court. I did not enter this race out of a desire to be a career politician, but after a critical analysis of my children’s futures, and seeing the need to ensure Boone County voters can trust their Fiscal Court.
I am raising a family in Boone County and have an immediate and long-term vested interest in the strategic growth for this community. Residents and voters can trust me to keep them informed of what impacts their lives and trust me to empathize with residents rather than big-tax dollar, out-of-state corporate investors. I was trusted to push back on the status quo, and confront issues head on.
Your Vote, Our Future
Thank you for believing in my vision and the power of positive change. Together, we can co-create a prosperous community that reflects the values and dreams we thrive to achieve. This is an exciting journey and I look forward to shaping the policies that benefit everyone.
2023 Campaign Video